Science Fiction Barbarians in Love

“Adam’s tender warriors — juxtaposed in the forces of nature — must surely succeed in their mission and save the world through their powerful message: love prevails.”

—Tessa Kiros (Provence to Pondicherry, Apples for Jam)

They’re not fighting any more.

Science Fiction Barbarians in Love is a 12-page booklet designed in the style of the cool little comics that you used to find tucked behind your favourite action figures way back in the ancient 1980s.

It features 12 romantic and contemplative toy-photography-and-microfiction vignettes wherein overly muscled barbarian-fantasy-themed action figures take a moment out of their hectic lives to just… be.

Science Fiction Barbarians in Love has received praise from a wide range of quarters, including superstar cookbook author Tessa Kiros, author of Apples for Jam and Provence to Pondicherry, and feminist action figure entrepreneur Julie Kerwin, founder of IAmElemental toys.

This pocket-sized full-colour barbarian-themed mini-booklet is perfectly sized to sit alongside your other barbarian-themed minicomics and zines from your favourite purveyors of barbarian-themed merriment!

Where to buy Science Fiction Barbarians in Love

Science Fiction Barbarians in Love is available to purchase in print and digital formats at the following places:

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