crappin' on about the inconsequential, poems

“You’ll never get the girl, Dante!”

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Dude they totally made a game out of Dante’s Inferno. Full of that wonderful adolescent horror-movie glee that games seem to be riddled with these days. And while the trailer might seem to be taking some poetic license (sorry), the official website does rather heavily reference the poem itself, including an entire section called “The Poem”, which offers a voiceovered history of the entire Divine Comedy and precis of the poems accompanied by Gustav Doré’s glorious illustrations.

Makes me wonder what other poems are waiting in the wings to be gamified. Paradise Lost seems like a no-brainer for sure. The Ramayana seems like a good choice too (there are already Hanuman and Rama action figures), as does the Mahabarata – lots of good war scenes and mystical warriors in both of them. Gilgamesh is another great heroes-and-monsters dustup that would lend itself to this kind of interpretation, too.

Moving beyond the epics, you could do a good noir-style mystery game based on “Five Bells” where you have to find out what Joe Lynch knew that got him murdered and dumped at the bottom of Sydney Harbour. And there’s plenty of scope for a Grand-Theft-Auto-inspired interpretation of ∏O’s 24 Hours set in and around Melbourne’s old-school Greek and Turkish coffee shops. You choose whether you play the jaded coffee shop owner who’s exhausted by continually having to stop the guys playing cards in the backroom from fighting, the waitress whose boyfriend is just back from prison, the guy trying to get rich selling homegrown chop-chop tobacco, or the poet who sits quietly in the corner taking notes.

jutchy ya ya, zines

Jutchy Ya Ya: evil still stalks the streets

So Jutchy Ya Ya nuber thirty-eight is finally done and I don’t want to talk about how long it took. I think the wait has made it better. Well I do, okay?


I’m calling this one “the breakfast issue” because it’s mainly a bit of a thing about how being continually late for the train can mess with your breakfast needs, and how to mitigate that. There’s also pictures of Harvey Pekar and Captain America and some gratuitous Pong references (you know, the game Pong?) as well as a little bit of etymological indulgence.

Head on over to the Jutchy Ya Ya page to check it and its more recent sibling out. I’m also offering subscriptions now, the next twelve issues mailed out to you for the price of the stamps. More on that in the shop.